Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 3

Not a good day today! Eating was good until home from work. Didn't get a workout in. Will get 2 in tomorrow. Going to bed early to get up and workout. Stress level at a high-- need to do something else besides eat.
Breakfast: oatmeal with flax and 1/2 apple
snack: lite yogurt with almonds
lunch: grilled chicken with salad greens, tomatoes, carrots, brocolli, and spray dressing
snack: apple with peanut butter
supper: grilled hamburger without bun, a few baked french fries, one small piece of chocolate

1 comment:

  1. Every day is a new day, start afresh in the morning. I have to plan my day out the night before in my Fatloss project notebook for food and exercise etc the day before, so it does get done in top spot priority. I think if i left it, it would not get done, and I'd be more tired, then you get hungry (or need a pick up) and things could slip. And you lose the effect of your metabolisim being sped up all day. So good luck with your early morning rise and catch up, it's so good gettin it out of the way and knowing you only have to think about the food and water (which is now pretty auto pilot anyway).
